An enchanting new show written by Robert Alan Evans and directed by Amy Leach will be delighting young audiences in the Playhouse’s Courtyard Theatre from 30 November to 4 January. Mr Snow runs alongside The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe in the Quarry Theatre, ensuring audiences will have an absolute (snow)ball throughout the festive season.
Mr Snow, a polar explorer and expert snowologist and Blessyou is Mr Snow’s son; a trainee snowologist with a fondness for fish fingers, adventure and his best friend Beartie. Blessyou is surrounded by penguins, polar bears and piles and piles of snow, spending his days fishing (for fishfingers), dreaming of adventure, and avoiding studying for his snow exams. But when his dad brings home a jar of unusual snow – extraordinary things begin to happen. Continuing Leeds Playhouse’s commitment to creatively integrated access, Mr Snow is a bilingual production, performed in both spoken English and British Sign Language. Creative Audio Description will be available via headsets at all performances from 5 December. Families are at the heart of the theatre experience at Leeds Playhouse. As well as enjoying an array of exciting shows, families can make use of the theatre’s child-friendly facilities, including its free creative play area, baby change and family toilets, highchairs and special catering options. To book call Box Office 0113 213 7700 or Book on line Suitable for ages 3-7
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